Born Humans,each of us has equal rights and responsibilities to protect them, regardless of its origin and features.
The aim of the project is to convince 60-100 students aged between 13 and 17 years from Zlatograd, Zlataritsa, Plovdiv, Sliven and Chepelare,
how important it is for all of us to teach them THEY THEMSELVES to be active, to be able to mediate in conflict situations,
to hold public discussions of problems in the classroom or school, caused by intolerance,misunderstanding and violation of the rights of others.
Participants will be trained on 2 programs, based on an innovative methodology, involving learners in a creative process, which is personally meaningful,
which makes the training desirable and effective.
They will base in 5 youth club, each of which, under our leadership, will prepare a Forum-Theater performance.
The performances will be presented at a festival “My opinion matters” Each club will export 6 interactive presentation
in front of about 300 young people in the area of their birthplace (total for the project 1500) on issues of concern to them, to look for solutions together.
If someone needs to express their gender in a way that is different, that is okay. They don’t deserve to be victims of violence. If you are uncomfortable with it, then you need to look at yourself.
~ Laverne Cox
The point of HUMAN RIGHTS TRAINING is not so much the achievement of knowledge, as much as building attitudes, beliefs, values, rules and norms of conduct respecting the equality of human dignity.
As a result of the trainings, which we will conduct within the framework of this project, we expect the participants:
- to be able to mediate in conflict situations
- to hold public discussions of problems in the classroom or school, caused by intolerance, misunderstanding and violation of the rights of others
- to be involved in campaigns for informal peer education by human rights peers.
How we achieved this objectives?
The training "Through participation" represents a new paradigm in education. Various methods and techniques derive from it. Our program focuses on the art method Форум Театър (FT).
Role-playing games are a method of recreating the real, a familiar or imaginary situation. When creating it, the participants must achieve a clear description of the current situation / problem and indicate how each participant in the acting scene (victim, bully, observer, etc.) would react.
Group work in a large / small group. Different configurations are set in order to develop habits and skills for self-assessment and assessment of the behavior of others.; conflict resolution; analyzing situations and problems from the other's point of view; assertive self-expression.
The training will be outsourced to the participants, to break away from the usual activities and to stimulate communication between themselves. In this way we will have the opportunity to apply the necessary techniques to turn the group of young people into a team.
“Образоването на ума без образоване на сърцето, изобщо не е образование.” ― Аристотел
Средно Училище
137 СОУ "Ангел Кънчев" - София; България @137_suТова, което постигнаме до момента, е резултат от непрекъснатия дух на търсене на нови неща в образователната сфера.
Висше образование
Национална Академия за Театрално и Филмово Изкуство "Кр. Сарафов" - София; България @natfiz_kr.sarafovОт създаването си през 1948 г. Театралната Академията е една от най-престижните европейски и български образователни институции в областта на сценичните и екранните изкуства.
Обучения и Курсове
2021 септември - Плейбек Театър
2018 - Водене на форум театрално представление /форум-театър/ (Арт Хаус НеДа; България)
2010 - Театрална работилница с Дий Кянън (Кралска Академия за Драматични Изкуства; Великобритания)
2010 - Театрална работилница "Theatre lab" (Международна театрална лаборатория; Норвегия)
2007 - Обучение за водене на форум театрално представление, журналистика и проектописане (Театър Цвете; България)
2004 - Театрално обучение "Joy" - арт и драматични техники за работа с деца и младежи (Театър Цвете; Дания)